Third country in the world for its unconventional oil and gas potential reserves, Argentina has become the new Eldorado for big oil companies. The first impacts are already visible: grabbing of the lands of Mapuche communities and small farmers, fracked wells in a protected natural area, lack of consultation of the population, repression etc.
Faced with the situation, Friends of the Earth France has decided to launch a new campaign. It aims to increase visibility, to offer support to the demands of communities mobilized against shale gas and shale oil in Argentina and to apply pressure on oil companies demanding they abandon these harmful projects and more generally change their practices. Finally, this campaign advocates for French and Argentine policymakers to reform the legal frameworks which currently enables these multinationals to act with complete impunity.
Production and diffusion of the documentary Fracking Patagonia, production of a report, field missions, all these activities require important human and financial ressources, Friends of the Earth France needs you to continue this fight.
To reinforce our independence and to have more weight to make our voice heard, we need your support… Help us by making a donation, by becoming a member of the association or by getting involved with our work. Your support will finance our advocacy work and our support to local struggles against destructive extractive industry projects.
In order to make a donation, please click here.
CAUTION! For your donation to be used for this campaign in particular, please specify it by choosing “Campagne sur les Industries extractives” in the pulldown menu named “où affecter le don” (in the window where you indicate the amount of your donation).